If you have your wishes agreed with us, we estimate the delivery date and send you an invoice for the final price, with the request to pay 50% of the total as an upfront payment.
The receipt of this money at PayPal is considered an order confirmation, and we immediately start working on your order.
Once we’ve finished our work, we'll send you a link to OneDrive for you to download your ordered documents.
In the meantime, and for maximum transparency during order processing, we’ll maintain regular email contact with you and will keep you up to date on the progress of the work, if desired.
If you like the final results, you’ll pay the balance, also via PayPal. Our service is highly labor-intensive so that we expect our money within 14 days after we've delivered. In case there are any complaints please let us know immediately.
The indication of prices for our services here on the website does not make sense. Experience has shown that pricing varies a lot based on the capabilities required and the number and type of users. Customers have very often compiled inaccurate overall costs from unit prices shown on the website for their package.
Therefore, it makes more sense if you give us your details and what you need and we create a customized package price to meet your exact needs - free of charge.
If the result can not be reconciled with your budget, we need to find a way that is satisfactory for you and for us.
So far, the price talks about the product or package requested by our customers have always led to a positive result.