We specialize in finding and compiling published medical information tailored to your individual project.
We accompany publishing projects from its research idea to its successful publication.
We define ourselves as mediator and ambassador between the professional world and the medical laymen.
We strive to build relationships based on commitment and trust and assure proper professional work for our customers
We can help in all aspects of your publishing needs!
Shortening your manuscript to deliver a clear, concise, and accurate text can be the most challenging issue for an author, because of his direct involvement.
On request, we conduct a thorough literature search, compile the results and help you to avoid detours or errors in your experiments or examinations.
We write congress reports, highlighting the most relevant presentations for your research project, and deliver lecture abstracts or posters of your choice.
Already established but also fresh results of Clinical Trials can be of great importance.
We find what you need - be it contents for a website or material you might need as a medical writer for a pharma company, for a CRO, as a course designer at a University or as a content supplier for a marketing firm, stock investment advisor or stockbroker, medical device manufacturer, CEO of a wellness company or fitness training institute, personal trainer, a nutrition expert, as a medical journalist or politician, as an advisor, consultant or member of the board.
Our team of medical experts is able and obliged to distinguish reliable information from irrelevant, misleading, or fabricated results you - not knowingly - might intend to cite in your reference list.
Here's an increasingly important point:
Think for a moment of the danger of suspected scientific misconduct. These allegations leave severe traces in a scientific career and concern the institution as a responsible body as well: "Journals don't have the same jurisdiction as a scientist's employer does to investigate problems [and to ensure proper papers' quality]." (Nature, 21st Nov 2019).
Specialists are on guard to detect misconduct in published papers and have it undergo a judicial review.
As a directly involved person, the author of a paper may sometimes become "blind" to even systematic errors in the manuscript, often also careless mistakes that may be classified as basically defective and may suggest a misleading intention.
We help: Our Pre-Submission Screening Service works as precautionary protection because of the distance we have and see things you won't.
Pre-Submission Screening is cheaper than a confrontation with alleged scientific misconduct after publishing.